Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Your High School Video of the Week.

This fumble-licious touchdown happened.

I can only assume that losing a football game on a last second kick return is a dull, aching pain that makes seconds feel like years, and fans of any NFL team feel like they root for the Bills. And while I’m still only able to assume the flip side of such a situation, I can only imagine it’s like having Raquel Welch showing up at my doorstep saying that she’s read all of my letters and can’t stand to be without me any longer. She may or may not be naked, but will most definitely dispense beer straight to my mouth from her breasts. Um, nevermind, I'm actually totally not a stalker.

Anywho, the Butler High School football team trailed their opponent by 7 with 1.8 seconds to play this past Friday night. And, as you have probably recognized by my hilarious silly, yet completely unnecessary introduction, they get the ball into the endzone through a series of fumbles and laterals. What happens next is sure to go down in high school lore, carved next to “for a good time, call Amanda” in bathroom stalls the school over.

Go stuff a nerd in a locker today, Butler High School football team. You guys deserve it.