Green Bay invades Chicago this evening for must-see TV. It may be important for you to know that I am 4-0 against the pointspread for Monday Night Football this season. If that gives you confidence (and it should) -- feel free to jump on that "Buy Now" over to the right. I've dropped the season membership to just $645 for service through the Superbowl. Um, yeah -- that's way on February 6th, 2011. That's a ton of Executive Football Service for just $645. Operators are standing by.
Green Bay Bikini Girls - Who Knew?
I found one reason to like Green Bay this morning.
I found one reason to like Green Bay this morning.
Here's your Brett Farve moment of the week.
This happened Saturday.
I mean no disrespect to the crippled disabled.
~Please hang in there until the one minute mark. This clip is best seen by double-clicking and going straight to the wide screen version at YouTube. You'll be glad you did.