Tackling, tripping and tazing are just a few ways to take care of crazy
This was the scene last week at a Chilean rodeo, where two females who entered the ring in an attempt to protest the competition were quickly lassoed and dragged out of harms way by the competitors. It appears as though they set a pretty good time in the process as well.
After seeing this, it is clear that a rodeo is probably the last place anyone should be doing any streaking or trespassing. After all, these guys make their living by chasing down wild mammals and taking them down. Looks like they just added two more to their list.
Yeah, I know... The video isn’t as good as the title. I realize that. I too was hoping that this girl would literally get dragged from one end of the ring to the other strictly for entertainment purposes of course.
Hey PETA girls: Wanna protest our rodeo? Boom! How is a little lasso around your neck taste?
Where do I stand in this? Hmm, animal abuse? I guess so. But I'll enjoy the show nonetheless. Hell, PETA thinks a cheeseburger is animal abuse. So, under their parameters, I'm OK with animal abuse - on my terms. Is this abuse of women? I'll just say that these women got exactly what they deserved. I certainly will not confuse this with real abuse of woman - rather I see it as putting a bratty, self righteous girl in her place. I was actually hoping that the rider would gallop around the ring while dragging his captive behind. THAT, I'd buy a ticket for.
Here's your payoff.
A girl on a bull. Kind of.