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Picture Of The Day: I Want This Guy’s Job!

So where should I start?
Where did this guy go to school and what program did he major in to become the official thigh-taper of the USC Song Girls? Are there currently any openings for such a position? And how does one apply for such a job?
Sure, it may appear as though this sexy young female is having fun. But trust me. No one is having as much fun as that 45-year-old man who gets to put his hands up her skirt and call it his job. And if he is smart, he will apply those bandages loose enough so that she will have to come back to be re-taped.
Own goal - with read end
Own goals can be wacky events, but this is like something out of a Three Stooges short. In the 25th minute of a Brazilian second-division match between Santo Andre and Portuguesa de Desportos on Tuesday, Santo Andre's Vitor Hugo slipped as he went to clear the ball and ended up scoring an own goal with his backside.
It takes a couple of replay angles for it to sink in, but Hugo falls on top of the ball, causing it to squirt back into his own goal. Sure, it may have been more his hip that did it than his rear end, although that's not as funny.
And while Santo Andre went on to lose 3-2, it's hard to lay blame on poor Vitor. That was a freak occurrence that would be tough to reproduce if he tried.