Football Thursday through Monday! Umm... Yep, same thing as every other beautiful week so far for this football season. I'm looking at releasing the College Game of the Month and the NFL Game of the Month - both - this weekend. More on that tomorrow. My Four Unit rated Executive Selections are hitting at 75% for this season.
2010 Football Season - Only $645
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $645. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Pee Wee Football Video of the Week
This whole incident is nothing short of crazy. PeeWee football coaches engage in a brawl after two players begin shoving each other on the field. Some of the 12-year-old players attempt to restrain the coaches, but to no avail. And for their punishment, the kids can't go to the playoffs.
Are you kidding me? Some grumpy old men attempt to beat each other to a pulp, and it is the kids who get punished? How about suspending the coaches from the league for life? And aren't the parents and coaches the ones who should be breaking up fights between their kids, rather than the kids breaking up the parents?
Here is the news report on the incident. See if you can make any sense of their actions. Um, no - you can't.
Pat Tillman's Brother on HBO
No, I won't put commie Bill Maher in the headline.
For those of you whodo not know have been in a coma for six years and have not heard the story of Pat Tillman; He is a former NFLer who left the game to serve his country in the armed forces over in Afghanistan. During his time there he was killed in the line of duty by friendly fire. The details of his death are rather murky, at best, as his family continues to question what exactly happened on that day that would result in the loss of a great man.
We may never have the answer to that question, but Pat's brother Richard Tillman made an appearance on Real Time With Bill Maher, and spoke about his brother's death, the questions that continue to surround that dreadful day, and the comments he made during his brother's funeral, when he said, "Just make no mistake, he's not with God. He's fucking dead. He's not religious. Thanks for your thoughts, but he's fucking dead."
For those of you who did not watch his memorial service on ESPN2 several years ago - Richard Tillman pretty much delivered the mostass kicking awesome eulogy of all time.
Here's the HBO interview. The best part comes at the 6:40 mark of the clip, when Richard states how he feels about John McCain and Maria Shriver's comments stating that his brother is with God now. Take a look. I report, you decide.
Are you kidding me? Some grumpy old men attempt to beat each other to a pulp, and it is the kids who get punished? How about suspending the coaches from the league for life? And aren't the parents and coaches the ones who should be breaking up fights between their kids, rather than the kids breaking up the parents?
Here is the news report on the incident. See if you can make any sense of their actions. Um, no - you can't.
Pat Tillman's Brother on HBO
No, I won't put commie Bill Maher in the headline.
For those of you who
We may never have the answer to that question, but Pat's brother Richard Tillman made an appearance on Real Time With Bill Maher, and spoke about his brother's death, the questions that continue to surround that dreadful day, and the comments he made during his brother's funeral, when he said, "Just make no mistake, he's not with God. He's fucking dead. He's not religious. Thanks for your thoughts, but he's fucking dead."
For those of you who did not watch his memorial service on ESPN2 several years ago - Richard Tillman pretty much delivered the most
Here's the HBO interview. The best part comes at the 6:40 mark of the clip, when Richard states how he feels about John McCain and Maria Shriver's comments stating that his brother is with God now. Take a look. I report, you decide.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Chilean Girl Protests Rodeo…Promptly Gets Lassoed And Dragged Out of the Ring
Yep: This Is How You Take Care Of Streakers In Sports.
Tackling, tripping and tazing are just a few ways to take care of crazybitches fans who get their kicks out of running onto the field of play during a sporting event. While all of these tactics may have proven to be effective in the past, none are capable of rounding up and taking out the trash quite like lassoing the trespassers.
This was the scene last week at a Chilean rodeo, where two females who entered the ring in an attempt to protest the competition were quickly lassoed and dragged out of harms way by the competitors. It appears as though they set a pretty good time in the process as well.
After seeing this, it is clear that a rodeo is probably the last place anyone should be doing any streaking or trespassing. After all, these guys make their living by chasing down wild mammals and taking them down. Looks like they just added two more to their list.
Yeah, I know... The video isn’t as good as the title. I realize that. I too was hoping that this girl would literally get dragged from one end of the ring to the other strictly for entertainment purposes of course.
Hey PETA girls: Wanna protest our rodeo? Boom! How is a little lasso around your neck taste?
Where do I stand in this? Hmm, animal abuse? I guess so. But I'll enjoy the show nonetheless. Hell, PETA thinks a cheeseburger is animal abuse. So, under their parameters, I'm OK with animal abuse - on my terms. Is this abuse of women? I'll just say that these women got exactly what they deserved. I certainly will not confuse this with real abuse of woman - rather I see it as putting a bratty, self righteous girl in her place. I was actually hoping that the rider would gallop around the ring while dragging his captive behind. THAT, I'd buy a ticket for.
Here's your payoff.
A girl on a bull. Kind of.
Tackling, tripping and tazing are just a few ways to take care of crazy
This was the scene last week at a Chilean rodeo, where two females who entered the ring in an attempt to protest the competition were quickly lassoed and dragged out of harms way by the competitors. It appears as though they set a pretty good time in the process as well.
After seeing this, it is clear that a rodeo is probably the last place anyone should be doing any streaking or trespassing. After all, these guys make their living by chasing down wild mammals and taking them down. Looks like they just added two more to their list.
Yeah, I know... The video isn’t as good as the title. I realize that. I too was hoping that this girl would literally get dragged from one end of the ring to the other strictly for entertainment purposes of course.
Hey PETA girls: Wanna protest our rodeo? Boom! How is a little lasso around your neck taste?
Where do I stand in this? Hmm, animal abuse? I guess so. But I'll enjoy the show nonetheless. Hell, PETA thinks a cheeseburger is animal abuse. So, under their parameters, I'm OK with animal abuse - on my terms. Is this abuse of women? I'll just say that these women got exactly what they deserved. I certainly will not confuse this with real abuse of woman - rather I see it as putting a bratty, self righteous girl in her place. I was actually hoping that the rider would gallop around the ring while dragging his captive behind. THAT, I'd buy a ticket for.
Here's your payoff.
A girl on a bull. Kind of.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Monday Night Football. Perfect.

Green Bay invades Chicago this evening for must-see TV. It may be important for you to know that I am 4-0 against the pointspread for Monday Night Football this season. If that gives you confidence (and it should) -- feel free to jump on that "Buy Now" over to the right. I've dropped the season membership to just $645 for service through the Superbowl. Um, yeah -- that's way on February 6th, 2011. That's a ton of Executive Football Service for just $645. Operators are standing by.
Green Bay Bikini Girls - Who Knew?
I found one reason to like Green Bay this morning.
I found one reason to like Green Bay this morning.
Here's your Brett Farve moment of the week.
This happened Saturday.
I mean no disrespect to the crippled disabled.
~Please hang in there until the one minute mark. This clip is best seen by double-clicking and going straight to the wide screen version at YouTube. You'll be glad you did.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
The College Grand Slam - TODAY!
Start your weekend off with a Grand Slam.
Today - I will release my 2010 College Grand Slam.
Four events, each carrying a monster FOUR STAR RATING.
I will release one of my largest card of games in 30 years. There are more than ten games that look to be outstanding opportunities. I do not want to miss any of them.
If you've been sitting out the season so far - this is a great day to jump into the game. We've seen every college football program perform and this has always been one of the most predictable weeks of each season. It's going to be a great day.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
If you are following my plays...
Expect to have a fantastic weekend.
Today - I will release my 2010 College Grand Slam.
Four events, each carrying a monster FOUR STAR RATING.
I will release one of my largest card of games in 30 years. There are more than ten games that look to be outstanding opportunities. I do not want to miss any of them.
If you've been sitting out the season so far - this is a great day to jump into the game. We've seen every college football program perform and this has always been one of the most predictable weeks of each season. It's going to be a great day.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
If you are following my plays...
Expect to have a fantastic weekend.
Friday, September 24, 2010
College Grand Slam - Saturday Sept. 25th
Tomorrow ---> I will release my 2010 College Grand Slam. Four events, each carrying a monster FOUR STAR RATING.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
Picture Of The Day: I Want This Guy’s Job!

So where should I start?
Where did this guy go to school and what program did he major in to become the official thigh-taper of the USC Song Girls? Are there currently any openings for such a position? And how does one apply for such a job?
Sure, it may appear as though this sexy young female is having fun. But trust me. No one is having as much fun as that 45-year-old man who gets to put his hands up her skirt and call it his job. And if he is smart, he will apply those bandages loose enough so that she will have to come back to be re-taped.
Own goal - with read end
Own goals can be wacky events, but this is like something out of a Three Stooges short. In the 25th minute of a Brazilian second-division match between Santo Andre and Portuguesa de Desportos on Tuesday, Santo Andre's Vitor Hugo slipped as he went to clear the ball and ended up scoring an own goal with his backside.
It takes a couple of replay angles for it to sink in, but Hugo falls on top of the ball, causing it to squirt back into his own goal. Sure, it may have been more his hip that did it than his rear end, although that's not as funny.
And while Santo Andre went on to lose 3-2, it's hard to lay blame on poor Vitor. That was a freak occurrence that would be tough to reproduce if he tried.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
Picture Of The Day: I Want This Guy’s Job!

So where should I start?
Where did this guy go to school and what program did he major in to become the official thigh-taper of the USC Song Girls? Are there currently any openings for such a position? And how does one apply for such a job?
Sure, it may appear as though this sexy young female is having fun. But trust me. No one is having as much fun as that 45-year-old man who gets to put his hands up her skirt and call it his job. And if he is smart, he will apply those bandages loose enough so that she will have to come back to be re-taped.
Own goal - with read end
Own goals can be wacky events, but this is like something out of a Three Stooges short. In the 25th minute of a Brazilian second-division match between Santo Andre and Portuguesa de Desportos on Tuesday, Santo Andre's Vitor Hugo slipped as he went to clear the ball and ended up scoring an own goal with his backside.
It takes a couple of replay angles for it to sink in, but Hugo falls on top of the ball, causing it to squirt back into his own goal. Sure, it may have been more his hip that did it than his rear end, although that's not as funny.
And while Santo Andre went on to lose 3-2, it's hard to lay blame on poor Vitor. That was a freak occurrence that would be tough to reproduce if he tried.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Your High School Football Play Of The Week
This one decided the game. Five seconds left - the team with the ball is down by two points. Click play and enjoy.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
And now...Your drunk fan of the week.
Far be it for any of us to pretend to be high and mighty drunks, so when people are caught on camera incoherent and stumbling around a sports venue, I like to think of it more as a celebration of free spirits than a criticism of too many spirits. Um, except when it's an easy mark such as a blown-to-the bejeezus-belt Packer backer who still wears a Brett Fucking Farve jersey to the Frozen Tundra. For your approval, we first have a Green Bay Packers fan who experiences some problem with his equilibrium while he presumably searches Google for tips on how to stand up straight.
This sort-of-upstanding young Cheesehead was tailgating for the Packers’ home opener against the Buffalo Bills on Sunday, but instead of just a boring old story about guy + beer = retard, I like to imagine it a little differently.
So... {Based on true events} -- You see; Gary Ferbman was a promising amateur ice fisher in 2004... when, during tournament preparation, he fell into another fisherman’s hole as part of a diabolical trap. For six years, Gary was frozen in ice until he was finally discovered and thawed on Saturday. When his friends asked him what he wanted to do first, he said, “I want to go watch the Packers and my favorite QB Brett Favre.” Then, he pounded some Schlitz beers.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Monday Night Football
Last Monday - The NFL treated us to a pair of games to kick off the 2010 season. I released three Executive Selections and won them all last Monday. So, after week number one of the NFL season... I stand at 3-0 against he pointspread for Monday Night Football. That's so cool to be able to say. Tonight, the
2010 Football Season - Only $695Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
The Big Ten Game Of The Year - TODAY!
I opened the new week of football with a two unit win last night on Southern Mississippi. If you've been sitting out the season and missing my major events so far this season - today would be a great day to jump in.
My four and five unit selections stand at 3-0 against the pointspread for the young season - Join today and play with confidence. Now- I'm off to work for my members. Whatever your decision today - I wish you the best of success.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
And now...Your cool video of the day.
Rally racer Ken Block.
This video is so badass that it makes my head spin; it’s Block navigating a souped up Ford Fiesta through an old Parisian racetrack in a stunt-driving practice called Gykmhana. Just when you’re thinking, “Wow, that was a pretty good video,” you look down and there’s like FIVE MORE MINUTES LEFT.
My four and five unit selections stand at 3-0 against the pointspread for the young season - Join today and play with confidence. Now- I'm off to work for my members. Whatever your decision today - I wish you the best of success.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
And now...Your cool video of the day.
Rally racer Ken Block.
This video is so badass that it makes my head spin; it’s Block navigating a souped up Ford Fiesta through an old Parisian racetrack in a stunt-driving practice called Gykmhana. Just when you’re thinking, “Wow, that was a pretty good video,” you look down and there’s like FIVE MORE MINUTES LEFT.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Big Ten Game Of Year
My Big Ten Game of the Year will be released tomorrow morning. I've released three four unit rated Executive Selections so far this season and won them all. My September College Game of the Month won two weeks ago and my Four Star NFL game of the Month was victorious last Sunday.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
Let me get to work on the weekend schedule and leave you with acool semi-interesting video.
Time-Lapse Video Of The Giants-To-Jets Change At The New Meadowlands
One more video. Just because I can. You know you want it.
For some reason, high school football players running into stuff never seems to get old on the interweb and blogosphere. This happened last Friday night.
This clip comes to us from a game between Madison and Yorktown in Virginia. Madison's Andy McGuire went back to receive a kick-off and didn't take into account the goal posts behind him.
Goal post alert.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
Let me get to work on the weekend schedule and leave you with a
Time-Lapse Video Of The Giants-To-Jets Change At The New Meadowlands
One more video. Just because I can. You know you want it.
For some reason, high school football players running into stuff never seems to get old on the interweb and blogosphere. This happened last Friday night.
This clip comes to us from a game between Madison and Yorktown in Virginia. Madison's Andy McGuire went back to receive a kick-off and didn't take into account the goal posts behind him.
Goal post alert.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Five Days Off Football - Kicks Off Tonight
Tonight begins another week of college and NFL football. I am looking at my first Five Star event of the season - a game that kicks off Saturday. I'll be talking more about this event tomorrow. If you've been on the sidelines so far this season, this would be a great week to get aboard.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
The stabbing was not caught on camera, but reports indicate that Yuksel Yesilov was on the sideline coaching his team when his brother emerged from the stands and stabbed him. As for the motive behind the stabbing, Yuksel's brother claims that it was the result of a personal feud, meanwhile Yuksel has said that he has not spoken to his brother in several years and the incident was likely the result of some mental issues his brother is facing.
"My brother has problems with his head, he did it just to get publicity. The game was live on television and he wanted to appear. I have not spoken with him for seven years. ~ GlobeSporte
Yuksel was lucky to survive the incident, but as long as his crazy brother is lurking around he may want to avoid attending any family reunions or get-togethers. Here is a look at what transpired on the field following the incident.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
Your UNLV Cheerleader Picture of the Week
And finally...
Turkish Soccer Match Suspended - Stabbing
When it comes to soccer matches, no one is ever safe. Not the fans in the stands. Not the players on the field. Not even the reporters on the sidelines.
And certainly not the coaches.
With that being said, I take you to Mersin, Turkey, where the manager of Turkish second division club Mersin Idmanyurdu was stabbed during a game by his own brother. That's right! His own brother! That will make things a bit awkward around the Thanksgiving table. Um, if they had Thanksgiving in *ahem*, Turkey. (Yep, there's a joke in there somewhere).
And certainly not the coaches.
With that being said, I take you to Mersin, Turkey, where the manager of Turkish second division club Mersin Idmanyurdu was stabbed during a game by his own brother. That's right! His own brother! That will make things a bit awkward around the Thanksgiving table. Um, if they had Thanksgiving in *ahem*, Turkey. (Yep, there's a joke in there somewhere).
The stabbing was not caught on camera, but reports indicate that Yuksel Yesilov was on the sideline coaching his team when his brother emerged from the stands and stabbed him. As for the motive behind the stabbing, Yuksel's brother claims that it was the result of a personal feud, meanwhile Yuksel has said that he has not spoken to his brother in several years and the incident was likely the result of some mental issues his brother is facing.
"My brother has problems with his head, he did it just to get publicity. The game was live on television and he wanted to appear. I have not spoken with him for seven years. ~ GlobeSporte
Yuksel was lucky to survive the incident, but as long as his crazy brother is lurking around he may want to avoid attending any family reunions or get-togethers. Here is a look at what transpired on the field following the incident.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Catching Up
Mid week during the football season here in my office is spent doing post-mortem on the previous week's football results as well as looking forward to the new weekend. It also means it's time to catch up on a few items that may have been missed.
As you know... I love to check in with our neighbors to the north and feature a clip from the Canadian Football League everyonce in a while six years.
During last week's Toronto Argonauts/B.C. Lions affair, B.C. quarterback Casey Printers was hit and fumbled the ball which ended up in the hands of Toronto defensive end, Ronald Flemons.
Flemons has what appears to be a clear path to the end zone with no one in sight, what could possibly go wrong?
Cheerleader Eaten By Mascot
This happened at the Oakland/Tennessee football game this past Sunday. No charges have been filed.
Ray Lewis Lights Up Dustin Keller
This happened Monday Night. Keller was picked up with a spatula.
More On the BDSM Football Coach Bust
New England Patriot head coach Bill Belichick was not involved in that BDSM sex ring bust yesterday. But, he looks cool in leather. [Made you look].
Reebok Advertisement
This will make you switch from Nike to Reebock today.
Anger Mis-management
Here's what happens when you wager against my major Executive Selections.
Soccer Still Sucks
Goalie celebrates big save - fails.
Stupid videos
Watermelon Slingshot
Dig the ultra slo-mo.
As you know... I love to check in with our neighbors to the north and feature a clip from the Canadian Football League every
During last week's Toronto Argonauts/B.C. Lions affair, B.C. quarterback Casey Printers was hit and fumbled the ball which ended up in the hands of Toronto defensive end, Ronald Flemons.
Flemons has what appears to be a clear path to the end zone with no one in sight, what could possibly go wrong?
Cheerleader Eaten By Mascot
This happened at the Oakland/Tennessee football game this past Sunday. No charges have been filed.
Ray Lewis Lights Up Dustin Keller
This happened Monday Night. Keller was picked up with a spatula.
More On the BDSM Football Coach Bust
New England Patriot head coach Bill Belichick was not involved in that BDSM sex ring bust yesterday. But, he looks cool in leather. [Made you look].
Reebok Advertisement
This will make you switch from Nike to Reebock today.
Anger Mis-management
Here's what happens when you wager against my major Executive Selections.
Soccer Still Sucks
Goalie celebrates big save - fails.
Stupid videos
Watermelon Slingshot
Dig the ultra slo-mo.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A Perfect Three
In this spot yesterday, I talked about getting involved in both Monday Night Football events. I did, in a big way.
My Executive Selections were:
- Two units Baltimore +1 Winner
- Two units Kansas City +4 Winner
- One unit Kansas City under 46 points Winner
When you're ready to get aboard, just click on that very gentle "Buy Now" button to the right. I'll be very happy to work hard for you through the Superbowl for just $695. And now the sports news you won't get at ESPN.
High School Coach Ran Prostitution Ring
Acting on a tip about a prostitution ring operating in the 3500 block of Ninevah Road in Greenwich, deputies went to that address on Sept. 1 and arrested Douglas E. Lucas, 53, Huron County Sheriff’s Capt. Ted Patrick said.
With a search warrant, they also seized items used in sexual role-playing, such as neckties, ropes and dog accessories.
At least one 47-year-old woman was allegedly working as a prostitute in Lucas’ home at the time, though she hasn’t been charged.
Lucas faces a fourth-degree felony for solicitation. He was released from jail after posting bond the day after his arrest.
Following Lucas’ arrest, however, deputies launched an undercover investigation targeting similar prostitution activity in the area.
[But wait, there's more! - back to the story...] Their efforts yielded two more arrests.
Lorain County Joint Vocational School teacher Todd Allen Pooch, 36, of the 500 block of Liberty Drive in Huron, and John Christopher Kemper, 52, a mechanical engineer from Brunswick, were each charged with soliciting, a third-degree misdemeanor.
They were among dozens who responded to requests from an undercover agent posing as a prostitute on the same website Lucas used, officials said.
Patrick said the two men made appointments to meet with the prostitute at a Norwalk hotel, requesting sexual acts using props such as a dog cage, bowl and collar, as well as masking tape, whips and a rubber ruler.
“This case shocks the conscience,” Patrick said. “It’s very unusual and twisted.”
The entire investigation, which took about a week and a half, was led by child support enforcement officer John Harris, who was temporarily reassigned from his duties.
The actual sting operation at the hotel only lasted about four hours. Pooch arrived at the hotel first, Patrick said, while Kemper arrived about an hour and a half later. Kemper actually checked the room for hidden microphones or surveillance cameras, Patrick said.
During their appointments, Pooch and Kemper paid the undercover woman an undisclosed fee and discussed various role-playing scenarios.
One of the men requested to be placed in the dog cage, while the other was already handcuffed, blindfolded and tied up by the time Huron County Sheriff Dane Howard and deputies entered the room to arrest them.
Pooch and Kemper have no apparent criminal history, and Lucas’ only charge in the area was passing a bad check in 2003, according to police records.
While the criminal cases against the men are pending, Pooch has already been placed on paid administrative leave at Lorain County Joint Vocational School. He served as the head football coach at Firelands High School in Oberlin and taught classes at both schools.
~ Sandusky Register.
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You bet that I have the mugshots of the Three Amigos! |
Oh come on. Who among us hasn’t been anally penetrated with a whip handle while having a tennis ball strapped into his mouth? That sort of Puritan prudishness might fly in Huron County, but I’ll have no part of that, thank you very much. I’ll be spending time with my good lady in a way that I see fit…just as soon as I get back from the hardware store.
[Channeling CSI Miami's Horatio Caine], "Looks like somebody really…*removes sunglasses* ...Screwed the Pooch".
Here's your Jim Carrey moment.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Monday Night Football - Squared
Tonight...back2back Monday Night Football events. It has been my long time tradition to release a rated Executive Selection for the Monday Night Football Game. I'll release a rated Executive Selection for both games.
That's my third four unit selection of the regular season - and my third victory.
It's important to win the games that members rely on the most.
Sure is fun.
Hot Reporter Is Upset About Being - Hot.
Um. Great body - no face? Woof!
In today’s reporter-turning-themselves-into-news news, TV Azteca reporter Ines Sainz has complained to Commissioner Roger Goodell and the NFL that New York Jets players made lewd and suggestive comments at her during the team’s practices she covered in New Jersey. And if you’ve survived the shock of that sentence, there’s so much more. Sainz recently Tweeted en espanol that she was “dying of embarrassment” because of the catcalls she received. Surprisingly, her complaint features no mention of New York coach Rex Ryan demanding Sainz make some burritos for the offensive line.
Goodell and his gentleman Gestapo are investigating Sainz’s allegations and the Jets apparently discussed the matters in their team meeting last night. Jets owner Woody Johnson personally called Sainz to get her side of the story. Upon greeting her, he said, “Hello Ines, this is Woody Johnson. Woody, like a boner. Johnson, like a boner.”
Respect my blogging skills for the quality of my dick jokes and not for the size of my bulge. Actually; The NFL ought to file a complaint against itself if the Jets players didn't react to that.
Various media sources cite multiple Tweets from Sainz complaining about being in a men’s locker room and how she dressed appropriately at the team’s practice. She claims she wore jeans and a white button-up blouse. Sainz posted this photo of herself on Twitter, defending her outfit as not "inappropriate." Hmmmm, white button-up blouse in the New Jersey heat… twenty bucks says Mark Sanchez’s passer rating was lower than the distance of her nearest bra. Coach Ryan went on to say that, "It was the best tight end he's seen in years".
The incident sparked a complaint to the NFL from the Association for Women in Sports Media, saying, "Women in sports media [should be] treated respectfully, equally and professionally while working in the locker room."
Indeed, she should be treated just like male reporters. Male reporters who wear skin tight capri pants and tied-up white button-up blouses. In the meantime, TV Azteca has reassigned Ines to the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Or perhaps, the Jets were simply barking at her - did you see her face? Regarding her Twitter picture post... My next to final thought is: Most women only strike a pose like that when leaning against their pole....
Woof indeed. Ay dios mio! Que terrible?!?!
Tonight. Two games. Two rated selections.
Yesterday, I told you again about my September NFL Game of the Month. If you joined, you won - AGAIN. My release was The Pittsburgh Steelers, a small home underdog - winning over Atlanta.

It's important to win the games that members rely on the most.
Sure is fun.
If you're not yet aboard, please consider joining today - I'll be very proud to serve you. The very friendly "Buy Now" button is over to your right. It's just $695 to stay aboard through the Superbowl - way down the road in February. That's a lot of service for just one easy payment.
Now, the news.
Um. Great body - no face? Woof!

Goodell and his gentleman Gestapo are investigating Sainz’s allegations and the Jets apparently discussed the matters in their team meeting last night. Jets owner Woody Johnson personally called Sainz to get her side of the story. Upon greeting her, he said, “Hello Ines, this is Woody Johnson. Woody, like a boner. Johnson, like a boner.”
Respect my blogging skills for the quality of my dick jokes and not for the size of my bulge. Actually; The NFL ought to file a complaint against itself if the Jets players didn't react to that.
This is what she was wearing.

Various media sources cite multiple Tweets from Sainz complaining about being in a men’s locker room and how she dressed appropriately at the team’s practice. She claims she wore jeans and a white button-up blouse. Sainz posted this photo of herself on Twitter, defending her outfit as not "inappropriate." Hmmmm, white button-up blouse in the New Jersey heat… twenty bucks says Mark Sanchez’s passer rating was lower than the distance of her nearest bra. Coach Ryan went on to say that, "It was the best tight end he's seen in years".
The incident sparked a complaint to the NFL from the Association for Women in Sports Media, saying, "Women in sports media [should be] treated respectfully, equally and professionally while working in the locker room."
Indeed, she should be treated just like male reporters. Male reporters who wear skin tight capri pants and tied-up white button-up blouses. In the meantime, TV Azteca has reassigned Ines to the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Or perhaps, the Jets were simply barking at her - did you see her face? Regarding her Twitter picture post... My next to final thought is: Most women only strike a pose like that when leaning against their pole....
Woof indeed. Ay dios mio! Que terrible?!?!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
NFL Game of the Month - TODAY!
Yesterday, I announced a Four Star event for the Penn State/Alabama contest. Told you to, "Join today, win tonight". If you did, you did.
Alabama crushed 18th ranked Penn State 24-3. How about that?
The four star events are 2-0 for the new college season - tonight - my members will be playing with confidence when the get behind the Four Star NFL Game of the Month.
If you join this morning, you''ll be winning this afternoon.
Alabama crushed 18th ranked Penn State 24-3. How about that?
The four star events are 2-0 for the new college season - tonight - my members will be playing with confidence when the get behind the Four Star NFL Game of the Month.
If you join this morning, you''ll be winning this afternoon.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
#12 Penn State at #1 Alabama ESPN 7 pm
This is my highest rated game today, a four unit Executive Selection. I released a four unit event last Saturday and watched it win for my members. This one looks to be just as profitable.
Join today, win tonight.
The user friendly "Buy Now" button is at the right.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Mom Pulls Gun On Vollyball team
File this under Texas Being Texas: A currently-unidentified woman pulled a gun on a seventh-grade volleyball team last night. Fortunately, the only kills that came out of the evening occurred during the game beforehand. Yep. You won’t get cutting-edge volleyball humor like that anywhere else.
Um. Don’t mess with Texas middle school girls volleyball. And yes, I just took care of your pregnant chick with a gun fetish. Somebody had to have the courage to do it. Show me that secret handshake.
School police are reviewing videotapes to try to identify the woman, who witnesses said threatened to shoot several members of the visiting Kirby team, Judson ISD spokesman James Keith said.
“The Kirby team had just won, and they were in the back parking lot near the gym when the woman approached,” Keith said, noting that the students were chanting and celebrating their victory. The woman “approached them, pulled a handgun, and threatened to shoot them,” he said. –San Antonio Express News.
The media report that the small woman remains at large. Of course she’s at large. Everything’s bigger in Texas.
And yes, There are games to win this weekend.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
If you missed the College Game of the Month last Saturday. My September NFL Game of the Month goes Sunday.
Um. Don’t mess with Texas middle school girls volleyball. And yes, I just took care of your pregnant chick with a gun fetish. Somebody had to have the courage to do it. Show me that secret handshake.
School police are reviewing videotapes to try to identify the woman, who witnesses said threatened to shoot several members of the visiting Kirby team, Judson ISD spokesman James Keith said.
“The Kirby team had just won, and they were in the back parking lot near the gym when the woman approached,” Keith said, noting that the students were chanting and celebrating their victory. The woman “approached them, pulled a handgun, and threatened to shoot them,” he said. –San Antonio Express News.
The media report that the small woman remains at large. Of course she’s at large. Everything’s bigger in Texas.
And yes, There are games to win this weekend.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
If you missed the College Game of the Month last Saturday. My September NFL Game of the Month goes Sunday.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Game On

The Saints' first Super Bowl title was so big in New Orleans that Mardi Gras, a revered local institution dating back well more than a century, became popularly known as, "Lombardi Gras."
New Orleans' momentous victory over the Indianapolis Colts occurred in the middle of the city's parade season, so the Saints' celebratory ride through town with the Vince Lombardi Trophy was simply added to the lineup. In the following days, players, coaches, team officials and the trophy made appearances in traditional parades as well.
And while Mardi Gras ended way back on Ash Wednesday, it seems as though Lombardi Gras still isn't over quite yet -- certainly not by the looks of the French Quarter, where a massive concert stage has been built on the river front, overlooking historic Jackson Square.
In the hours before the defending champs kick off the NFL season against the Minnesota Vikings on Thursday night in the Louisiana Superdome, the Big Easy will host a concert featuring Dave Matthews and Taylor Swift, an NFL-sponsored parade and a citywide bash for which a number of schools and businesses have already decided to shut down.
Yep, the NFL kicks off tonight.
NBC will prove it by televising the carnage.
This is also your first opportunity to witness Brett Favre getting blindsided by a blitzing linebacker. Seeing Number Four receive a slobberknocker would make a great way to start the 2010 NFL season.
2010 Football Season - Only $695
Join today and receive all the services that Sports Monitor releases as well as Sports Monitor's own Executive Selections. The 2010 Membership fee is still only $695. Just click on the "Buy Now" button to the right and get started today. This is the same program that has been one of the nation's most respected and renowned sports services for 30 years.
Tom Brady In Car Accident
If you've been of the planet this morning. This would be news to you. A Boston radio station is reporting this morning that New England Patriots
Responded one eye witness, “That’s right, because it’s Tawm Fahkin’ Brady. He can take a hit, not like that queeah Mahk Sanchez. GO PATS! SUPAH BOWL!” Initial reports stated that Brady was taken to a hospital for observation, but radio station WEEI later amended that report, as Brady did not go to a hospital and instead went to the team’s facilities. Responded 10 million fantasy football owners, “OHTHANKGOD.”
Repeating - Tom Brady refused to go to the hospital and reported to that Patriots training facility a few minutes late. That's badass.
If you are a Bostonian -- Imagine if you slam into a car on some street in Boston and you look up and the driver is Tom Fucking Brady. If Brady had been hurt, that driver might as well change his name to Osama Bin Laden. Meanwhile, the city of Buffalo just made it legal to hit Trent Edwards with a car.
Now it's time to hit that "Buy Now" button and get aboard for the 2010 edition of my Executive Service.
The September NFL Game of the Month goes this Sunday. Be on it.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wrestling Is Sure As Hell Real - In Mexico
Everyone knows that a certain amount of wrestling is more of a performing art than an actual athletic competition, but there are things that you, as a fan, can make it do to be more real.
Namely, as one unfortunate soul demonstrates here, reach for a luchador’s mask, and he will be more than happy to knock your lights out in a very un-fake way. Understand me? Feel me? Ese?
I understand why he'd do that, as secret identities are a big part of the game in Mexican wrestling especially... but I have a feeling that if this happened in the States, the guy would have a jumbo lawsuit on his hands before the match was even over.
Watch this knucklehead get a smack down in a very real way.
Last Saturday, I won my September College Game of the Month as the Fresno State Bulldogs dispatched The Cincinnati Bearcats. Tomorrow, I will announce my September NFL Game of the Month. Uh, I guess that I just did it though. More on this reliable game tomorrow. For now, watch the wrestling highlight and justify all the work I do to find these sporting gems for my readers.
Feel free to hit that very user friendly BUY NOW button to the right. Just one easy payment of $695 gets you aboard through the Superbowl.
Namely, as one unfortunate soul demonstrates here, reach for a luchador’s mask, and he will be more than happy to knock your lights out in a very un-fake way. Understand me? Feel me? Ese?
I understand why he'd do that, as secret identities are a big part of the game in Mexican wrestling especially... but I have a feeling that if this happened in the States, the guy would have a jumbo lawsuit on his hands before the match was even over.
Watch this knucklehead get a smack down in a very real way.
Last Saturday, I won my September College Game of the Month as the Fresno State Bulldogs dispatched The Cincinnati Bearcats. Tomorrow, I will announce my September NFL Game of the Month. Uh, I guess that I just did it though. More on this reliable game tomorrow. For now, watch the wrestling highlight and justify all the work I do to find these sporting gems for my readers.
Feel free to hit that very user friendly BUY NOW button to the right. Just one easy payment of $695 gets you aboard through the Superbowl.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Take this out of the playbook
The option is one of the great plays in football, which makes it so hard to defend. The quarterback decides whether to keep the ball or pitch it to a tailback running alongside him. But there’s also “Option C.” Option C is to deflect the ball off the tailback’s helmet, and watch him run the wrong way for 30 yards before…well, I don’t want to ruin it for you.
Oh, by the way...if you were curious - I won my September College Game of the Month this past Saturday night. More tomorrow.
Oh, by the way...if you were curious - I won my September College Game of the Month this past Saturday night. More tomorrow.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
College Game of the Month
My September College Game of the Month wins late today. Join my team by clicking on the very neat BUY NOW button over to the right. If you choose to do so, you'll be aboard through the Superbowl for only $695. All my Executive Selections and all the plays from all the services I monitor. One easy payment.
And now, another fight in the stands.
Way to step up New York! Watch thisold man senior citizen try to show this whipper snapper a thing or two. The young kid and a woman begin to argue, and that’s when the seasoned veteran steps in to close things out.
Yeah, I’d be upset if I had to watch live tennis too, This is why I’ll never watch tennis in person. It’s just way too dangerous. Fucking tennis. How does it work?
And now, another fight in the stands.
Way to step up New York! Watch this
Yeah, I’d be upset if I had to watch live tennis too, This is why I’ll never watch tennis in person. It’s just way too dangerous. Fucking tennis. How does it work?
Friday, September 3, 2010
College Football Underway!

I'll take it. A big three unit win on opening night and the prospect of a huge Saturday as I will feature my Four Star September College Game of the Month. If you chose to join - expect to win.
Join me for the entire season ticket - service through the Superbowl - for only $695. The very cool BUY NOW button is just to your right.
Your first cheerleader picture of the 2010 football season.
The Wisconsin Badgers have invaded Las Vegas this weekend as they take on my Rebels at Sam Boyd Stadium Saturday night. So, that means, some Wisconsin jokes.
Q. Why did they install artificial field turf at Camp Randall Stadium?
A. To keep the Wisconsin cheerleaders from grazing at halftime.
Q. Why do Wisconsin fans like to have sex with the lights off?
A. So it won't run down the battery in the pickup.
Q. Why do they throw a sack of manure into the chapel at Wisconsin weddings?
A. To keep the flies off the bride.
The September College Game of the Month goes Saturday!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Worst College Fanbase in America?
Easy one - It's BYU
The 2010 college football season kicks off tonight and I figured that I would launch on one of the college teams I dislike most - BYU. The photo above shows one of my beloved UNLV linebackers knocking the hat off a BYU tailback last year. I love it when that happens.
Lost in the shuffle of BCS chicanery last week was the plight of Brigham Young University, whose football program was hoping to make its own exodus of sorts from the Mountain West Conference. Considering the history of the Mormon culture, I’m kinda surprised that BYU doesn’t play in multiple conferences at the same time.
BYU has made no secret it wants greater freedom to broadcast its games over its network, BYU-TV. Unlike the proposed University of Texas network, BYU-TV isn’t a cash cow but a vehicle for spreading the Mormon faith.
The fact is that, in the history of horrible fanbases, BYU has gotten a pass, and that’s just not right. While Ohio State fans might urinate wherever they please and Alabama fans can’t read and Clemson fans can’t manage expectations, BYU fans for the large part think they’re the LDS version of Notre Dame.
Pompous. This sums up BYU players perfectly because they truly believe they are morally better than their opponent. I get you're at a church school and I get there is a supposed honor code you're expected to live by - but who's fooling who? BYU players aren't any more holier than who they go up against. They're just good at keeping things quiet. At least some of the time. You see, nothing beats watching those pompous blowhards hang their heads in shame after an embarrassing defeat.
Q: What's the difference between BYU fans and a litter of puppies?
A: Eventually, the litter of puppies grows up and stops whining.
I really don’t have anything against Mormons, aside from their cultish ways and disdain for Mormon jokes. Other than that, they’re pretty chill. But BYU needs to just be grateful that they actually have a conference in which to play. And now that they suddenly can drink caffeine, they ought to just have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. There it is, I finally dropped an f-bomb in one of my messages.
My first report to football members will go out at 5:30 pm Eastern tonight. It will include my reliable Executive Selections as well as the plays from all the major handicapping services I monitor. If you're not on board already, tonight is a perfect time to get on board. It's just $695.00 for my Executive Service through the Superbowl. The very sweet BUY NOW button is on the upper right hand side of this page. Find it - click it. Expect to win - again this season.
The 2010 college football season kicks off tonight and I figured that I would launch on one of the college teams I dislike most - BYU. The photo above shows one of my beloved UNLV linebackers knocking the hat off a BYU tailback last year. I love it when that happens.
Lost in the shuffle of BCS chicanery last week was the plight of Brigham Young University, whose football program was hoping to make its own exodus of sorts from the Mountain West Conference. Considering the history of the Mormon culture, I’m kinda surprised that BYU doesn’t play in multiple conferences at the same time.
BYU has made no secret it wants greater freedom to broadcast its games over its network, BYU-TV. Unlike the proposed University of Texas network, BYU-TV isn’t a cash cow but a vehicle for spreading the Mormon faith.
The fact is that, in the history of horrible fanbases, BYU has gotten a pass, and that’s just not right. While Ohio State fans might urinate wherever they please and Alabama fans can’t read and Clemson fans can’t manage expectations, BYU fans for the large part think they’re the LDS version of Notre Dame.
Pompous. This sums up BYU players perfectly because they truly believe they are morally better than their opponent. I get you're at a church school and I get there is a supposed honor code you're expected to live by - but who's fooling who? BYU players aren't any more holier than who they go up against. They're just good at keeping things quiet. At least some of the time. You see, nothing beats watching those pompous blowhards hang their heads in shame after an embarrassing defeat.
Q: What's the difference between BYU fans and a litter of puppies?
A: Eventually, the litter of puppies grows up and stops whining.
I really don’t have anything against Mormons, aside from their cultish ways and disdain for Mormon jokes. Other than that, they’re pretty chill. But BYU needs to just be grateful that they actually have a conference in which to play. And now that they suddenly can drink caffeine, they ought to just have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. There it is, I finally dropped an f-bomb in one of my messages.
Yep it's Thursday and at least five college
football games will be televised in your area.
football games will be televised in your area.
My first report to football members will go out at 5:30 pm Eastern tonight. It will include my reliable Executive Selections as well as the plays from all the major handicapping services I monitor. If you're not on board already, tonight is a perfect time to get on board. It's just $695.00 for my Executive Service through the Superbowl. The very sweet BUY NOW button is on the upper right hand side of this page. Find it - click it. Expect to win - again this season.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
College Football Game of the Month
I will open the college football season with a major FOUR STAR event this Saturday. This event will be my September College Game of the Month.
Join me for the entire season, service through the Superbowl - just $695.
Speaking about college football - my UNLV Rebels are hosting the Wisconsin Badgers this Saturday night. That pretty much makes me a bit grumpy towardsanything everything Wisconsin this week, including bratwurst, cheese, UW cheerleaders cows, Miller beer...
And, um... yes - I'll always hate the Green Bay Packers. No matter what... My favorite NFL team is anyone who is playing the Packers.
Therefore: my first anti-Wisconsin joke of the week.
Hear about the Wisconsin Badger fan who lost $50 on the football game?
~ He lost $25 on the game and $25 on the instant replay.
Join me for the entire season, service through the Superbowl - just $695.
Speaking about college football - my UNLV Rebels are hosting the Wisconsin Badgers this Saturday night. That pretty much makes me a bit grumpy towards
And, um... yes - I'll always hate the Green Bay Packers. No matter what... My favorite NFL team is anyone who is playing the Packers.
Therefore: my first anti-Wisconsin joke of the week.
Hear about the Wisconsin Badger fan who lost $50 on the football game?
~ He lost $25 on the game and $25 on the instant replay.
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