Just in case the White House calls --- I'm standing by the phone and ready to provide "The Las Vegas Option" and do my part to provide economic stimulus to those who enjoy speculating on sporting events.
Sports Monitor's Executive Selections and all the services are yours for only $695 through the Superbowl. That's about $29 per week!
Hey! You can't even buy one major sports service for $29 a day - Is there any reason not to get them all for one incredible low membership fee?
This is Sports Monitor's 29th year of professional sports information service. The 2009 Membership fee is still only $695 which includes free Private Play Service through September. Just click on the "BUY NOW" button to the right and get started today. The membership fee of $695 has been rolled back from the former fee of $1095.
Join today and you'll receive Greg Allen's free Private Play Service - the same program which has cost $895 per month for the last decade. Greg's Private Plays have been on fire. Greg has lost just two of his last 14 Private Play selections.
Did you notice? The 2009 NFL Season kicks off tonight on prime time television - NBC. College Football is also highlighted tonight as Clemson and Georgia Tech are highlighted by ESPN.
It's my 29th professional year. My Executive selections are 15-8 against the pointspread. I won my only Private play again yesterday - the Chicago Cubs. I've lost just two of my last 14 Private Play releases.
If you join the Executive Service today, you'll receive:
-- Sports Monitor's Executive Selections
-- The plays from all the major services we monitor
-- Greg Allen's Private Plays for the next three weeks - FREE
Have I told you that the $695 fee factors to about $29 per week?
I look forward to another winning week of football. So far, the football season is four weeks old -we've won every single week. Let's keep it going.