Sat down at my desk to begin the new day and was greeted by a very kind note from a long-time member who included a very generous and unexpected payment for services.
The payment was for the last two months of Private Play Service that this member says he took advantage of and did quite well. This is a service that has cost $895 per month over the last decade but I suspended the fee and have given it away at no cost during August and September.
I typically send out one or two plays each day with my own brand of analysis. Long time members would tell you that my write ups are clear, well-researched and reliable. I take great pride in their preparation.
The member was very kind and sent significantly more than the service would have cost if he paid up front with it. That really staggered me.
That gesture was not expected, is very appreciated and humbled me first thing this morning.
I write about it here because although I sent the obligatory thank you note, I wanted the member to fully understand my gratitude. This is the second such payment that has been received this month - by two separate members -- both caught me by surprise. Thanks so much for the respect.
Thanks again. One thing that this generous member does not know is that he was just dropped in to receive the daily Private Play Report through the end of the year. That's how I show my appreciation. Thanks again - really... Thanks again.
In this industry - Tuesdays are usually a day when we quickly break down the past weekend and start working at the upcoming week of games. The past weekend was about as unpleasant as a weekend can go. Sports Monitor's Executive Selections had a terrible College Football week and it was followed up by a terrible Sunday in NFL action as well. It was good to see that the Monday Night Football Game went our way. We have six winning weeks behind us and one very nasty losing week. The entire football handicapping industry took it on the nose as many matchups and trends failed to produce the predictable outcome that we bet on.
With that, I'll let you know that the fee for Executive Service through the Superbowl is now only $625. This free is discounted form the usual fee of $1025 that we would have charged in past seasons. When you join us, you'll be an insider to all the plays from all the major services we monitor, plus you'll receive all of Sports Monitor's award winning Executive Selections.
To get aboard, just click on that "BUY NOW" button to the upper right of the page. Your payment will get you aboard through the Superbowl in February and you'll also receive my very handy thank you letter.
ONLY $625 for Football:
- September service
- October service
- November service
- December service
- January service
- February Superbowl
The new week of football kicks off tomorrow with a nationally televised college football game -yes - on a Wednesday. Tomorrow, I'll set up the new week here and do my best to let you know about what I expect for the weekend ahead. College football weeks four and five are usually very predictable.