One of the things that I hate most in this world are football and basketball games that land right around the consensus betting line. Last night's Atlanta/San Diego game falls into that category.
Sports Monitor put out Atlanta as the Five Star Preseason Game of the Year. At worst, the game was a push for those who bet on Atlanta. You can see the line movements in Las Vegas HERE. For those of you who aren't fortunate to live (and wager) in Fabulous Las Vegas, you can look at what the offshore books listed HERE.
As soon as the game was released to members -- at 8:25 am Pacific, the Sports Monitor email account was hit by a gozillion messages. Phones have always rung off the hook when this occurs. Everyone has a different pointspread - or thinks that they are getting ripped off if their line is 1/2 point off the preferred line - or God forbid, a line different than the one you quote. I hate when that happens. For those of us who work in this industry - we can't fix that - even your mommy can't help. As the popular phrase says, "It is what it is". That's the nature of wagering. Options and prices vary with the individual market. We do what we do and once the game gets out to the bettors - Then it's their job to do the best to find the line that they're comfortable with. If not, move along to another game. Nobody will get hurt.
Now - If you take a look at what the pointspread was at at 8:25 am (and throughout the day), nobody can debate that most (if not all) bettors could have easily bet Atlanta at -2.5 points and won that game. Most of the email that came into this office from members told me that people had -2.5 points. Before I go on, I'm not encouraging these types of email either! I will tell you that these types of email are rarely answered as the question is largely rhetorical, right? Once an email or a telephone call regarding a pointspread comes into a professional handicapping office when we're busy taking care of the bigger picture of handling entire membership, many good manners are put aside.
Part Two.
It was one of my desires this season to quote pointspreads when releasing games that were near a key or volatile number - but after the early experiences of the 2009 football season, I will shy away from quoting pointspreads. I honestly had an altruistic reason for wanting to give out pointspreads on each game and I expect to re-visit this topic again. If you're a member, please know that it's your job to find the best number for your personal needs.
One of the inter-personal issues that occur at a professional handicapping office is that feelings get hurt if you claim to win a game when a member did not. Again - every single bettor thinks his line is THE LINE. This situation happens all the time in this industry. If the headline above said, "GAME OF THE YEAR WINS!" ... I would receive a vicious email or two from the guy and his brother who did not win. Therefore - no headline today. No celebration, no confetti, - I'll just stop by the two casinos that took my wagers on Atlanta and cash in my ticket and enjoy the winnings. I sincerely hope that you are doing the same today.
In Closing.
I wish you all a safe and joyful Sunday. I also hope that Chula-Vista California beats the bejeeebers out of Chinese Taipei in the Little League World Series Game this afternoon. It's just a pride issue for this American. Oh yes, another hope - that tonight's Chicago/Denver game goes over the total of 38 points. Wink.
God's blessings,
Greg Allen