The city of Boston and its legions of allegedly fairweather sports fans received a long-overdue kick in the balls yesterday. Not long after New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady underthrew his team to a loss in Denver, Boston Red Sox reliever Jonathan Papelbon was doing the exact same thing in Fenway Park. Or maybe it was just before. Anyway, The Los Angeles Angels – down to their last strike in the game WITH NOBODY ON BASE – toppled the BoSox to win their American League Division Series yesterday, 7-6, in front of a stunned crowd. It was my pleasure to see my Angels ruin the day for Boston whose fans forgot/failed to give their pitcher even a polite golf applause. Epic fail. Go Angels.
There are too many reason to dislike Boston, hell, Massachusetts for that matter. They absolutely skewered Bill Buckner for his fielding gaffe in Game 6 of the 1986 World series.
There are too many reason to dislike Boston, hell, Massachusetts for that matter. They absolutely skewered Bill Buckner for his fielding gaffe in Game 6 of the 1986 World series.
Buckner was a wonderful ballplayer and a really decent guy. He collected 2,715 hits in his career. In 1986, he was one of the best hitters on the team. He smacked 18 home runs, collected 102 RBI and was the club's top slugger in September.
Yet after he misplayed a Mookie Wilson ground ball in the final inning of that tragic Game 6 loss, Boston fans were so cruel to Buckner that he had to flee the city. Fans have recently tried to reinvent history and claim that they never blamed Buckner. Don't believe it. They crucified the guy. He had to move to Idaho, for God's Sake! Way to stick by your players, BoSox fans.
Yeah, baseball fans sure have been asked to eat a lot of crap over the past few years when it comes to the Red Sox faithful. Which was okay for a while. Some of these people had indeed suffered a lot before the 2004 postseason. But the grace period is now officially over. It's time to judge Boston Red Sox fans by the harsh light of day. They're terrible.
Now, the Boston fans can cheer for the Angels, who will beat the Evil Empire.