For games played Wednesday, April 29th.
It's Wednesday and I will continue to pass along a couple dozen of the top handicapping services along to you free of charge. This post will be updated as the day moves along and services release their plays.
Big Al's Sportsline
MLB Mets
MLB Orioles
MLB Yankees over
NBA Hornets
Maddux Sports
NBA 3 units on Miami
NBA 3 units on New Orleans
MLB 3 units on Chicago Cubs
MLB 3 units on San Francisco
MLB 3 units on LA Angels
Larry Ness
MLB 15* NL Game of the Week - SF Giants
MLB Las Vegas Insider - TB Rays
MLB 4 Mariners
MLB 4 Colorado over
NBA 3 Miami
ATS Financial Club
NBA 3 Nuggets
Teddy Covers
MLB Big Ticket Houston under
MLB Red Sox over
NBA Denver
Doc's Enterprises
NBA 5 New Orleans
MLB 3 Tigers
MLB 2 Cubs
Brandon Lang
NBA 10 Dime Denver Nuggets
Wayne Root
NBA Chairman Miami Heat
MLB Millionaire Royals
Preferred Picks
NBA New Orleans
Sports Reporter
MLB 4 Mets under
Tim Trushel
MLB 15 White Sox under
Teddy Covers
NBA 10 Denver
MLB 15 Reds under
MLB 10 Indians over
Ben Burns
MLB Annilihator - Giants
MLB Total of week - Pirates under
NBA Main Event - Atlanta
California Sports
NBA 4 Atlanta
JB Sports
NBA Play of Day - New Orleans
Private Players
NBA 3 Atlanta
NBA 3 New Orleans
Jim Feist
NBA Inner Circle Denver over
NBA Platinum Denver
NBA 4 Atlanta
Dave Cokin
NBA Hat play Denver
NBA 3 Miami
Scott Spreitzer
NBA 5 Miami
Kelso Sturgeon
NBA 10 Nuggets
NBA 3 Hawks
That's it for Wednesday.