Free Beta Testing Continues
For games played Tuesday, April 21st
It's Tuesday and I will continue to pass along a couple dozen of the top handicapping services along to you free of charge. This post will be updated as the day moves along and services release their plays.
Maddux Sports
MLB 3 units Pittsburgh
MLB 3 units Atlanta
MLB 3 units Houston
MLB 3 units St. Louis
MLB 3 units Arizona
NBA 3 units Portland
Big Al's Sportsline
NBA Game of the Year ---> Portland
NBA 3 Detroit
MLB 3 Baltimore
MLB 3 Texas
Ben Burns
NBA Personal Favorite - Blazers
NBA Best Bet Detroit
Eastern Conference Total of Week - Cleveland under
MLB Blue Chip - Giants under the total
Larry Ness
NBA Weekly Wipeout Winner Portland Blazers
MLB Team Mismatch 15* Phi Phillies
MLB Oddsmaker's Error StL Cards
MLB Bailout Blowout 15* Sea Mariners
Doc's Enterprises
NBA 4 Houston
NBA 4 Utah
NBA 3 Cleveland under
MLB 4 Arizona
MLB 3 Detroit
MLB 2 St. Louis
Brandon Lang
NBA 20 Dime - Lakers
NBA 20 Dime - Pistons
NBA 20 Dime - Rockets
NBA 10 Dime - Rockets (First Half)
NBA 10 Dime - Pistons (First Half)
Wayne Root
NBA Chairman - Portland Blazers
NBA Insiders - Detroit Pistons
MLB Millionaire - Detroit Tigers
MLB Moneymaker - Florida Marlins
Teddy Covers
MLB - Colorado
MLB Big Ticket Play - Seattle Under
Erin Rynning
NBA Play Maker - Lakers
MLB Play Maker - Arizona over
NBA 4 units - Portland
NBA 3 units - Lakers
MLB 4 Detroit
MLB 4 Philadelphia over
Tim Trushel
NBA 20 Lakers
NBA 10 Portland
NBA 10 Portland under
JB Sports
NBA Play of Day - Portland
Dave Cokin
NBA Hat Play - Cleveland
Jim Feist
NBA Inner Circle - Houston
NBA Personal Best - Cleveland
NBA 5 star Cleveland
Private Players of Pittsburgh
NBA 3 Utah
Kelso Sturgeon
NBA 5 units Rockets
NBA 4 units Cavaliers
NBA 3 units Jazz
Scott Spreitzer
NBA 5 Cleveland
Preferred Picks
NBA 3 Portland
Sports Reporter
NBA 3 Detroit under
That's it for Tuesday and the Beta test. There will be another FREE beta test tomorrow. See you then!Please share this link with others that are in your friend's list tonight.