The Annual Thanksgiving Feast got out to a great star with a big win on the San Diego Chargers last night. If you joined me and played the Chargers, you were counting your money by halftime.
I look forward to another great Thanksgiving Feast. If you want to join, the amazing Buy Now button is over to the right. ---------->
Now: Your High School Video Of The Week
With only 14.6 seconds remaining in the game, things got out of hand between players from the South Charleston and Hurricane high school football teams.
Following the exchange of a few punches between players, both benches cleared and an all-out brawl ensued. The fighting continued for the next 30 seconds before a Charleston police officer was finally able to put a halt to the madness. Reports indicate that at least one player was tased by the officer, while several others were maced during the incident.
South Charleston would go on to win the game by a score of 30-26, and will now go on to play Brooke High School in their next playoff game. However, they will have to do so without the services of several players who will likely receive suspensions from the WVSSAC for their involvement in the brawl.
Sidney Crosby’s Amazing Puck-Pyramid Trick